
Needed Immediately: Type O+ Blood!

Increased patient use of O+POSITIVE blood has caused an increased need for donors. Donate now!

Little Lifesavers Programs

Little Lifesavers (For Primary and Middle Schools)

Our Little Lifesavers program is designed to teach students about the physical functions of blood, how blood is used to help sick and injured people, and how children can become Little Lifesavers by recruiting adults to donate blood at a school sponsored blood drive. Every child to successfully recruit a blood donor will receive a child size "Lifesaver" t-shirt or special item, and if your school hosts two blood drives a year that each collect at least 15 units each, school faculty and staff will automatically be enrolled in The Blood Center’s Blood Assurance Program! Ask your TBC Representative about other bonuses such as school fundraising opportunities and ice cream or pizza parties for students who recruit blood donors.

Blood Buddies Program (For Boy and Girl Scout Troops)Blood Buddies Patch

Just like our Little Lifesavers program, Blood Buddies is designed to teach scouts about the physical functions of blood, how blood is used to help sick and injured people, and how children can help the community by recruiting adults to donate blood. Scouts earn a "Blood Buddies" patch by attending a presentation on blood facts and recruiting at least two blood donors.

Interested in hosting a Little Lifesavers or Blood Buddies blood drive? Email us at BloodDrive@TheBloodCenter.org to get connected with your area's representative!