
Needed Immediately: Type O+ Blood!

Increased patient use of O+POSITIVE blood has caused an increased need for donors. Donate now!

Host a Blood Drive

Mobile bussesHelp your community thrive by hosting a blood drive!

One donation can save up to three lives; Imagine how many lives can be saved if your organization bands together and gives blood as a group! Our mobile blood drive program makes it easy for businesses, schools, churches, and other organizations to conduct a blood drive any day of the year by bringing the drive to you. We can set up the drive inside your building or park one of our colorful mobile buses right outside.

How It Works

  • The Blood Center will work with you to coordinate the date and time of your blood drive that is easy and convenient for your donors, as well as to supply you with materials to promote your blood drive.
  • All donors have a choice of donor recognition options: TBC promotional item, Family Blood Assurance, From The Heart Club, Global Blood Fund, or Patient Blood Replacement.
  • Additionally, to thank our community partners for their hard work, we also offer Group Blood Coverage. If 25% or more of your group's members donate during your drive, your entire group will receive blood coverage for one year. Ask your account representative for more information!
  • Are you a school or school-based organization? Ask about our scholarship programs for High Schools and "Little Lifesaver" program for Elementary and Middle Schools!

Locationblood drive at Tipitinas

Indoor blood drives allow us to spread out to comfortably accommodate a large volume of donors. Plus, it's more ideal for times of harsh weather (such as summer heat waves and rainy days!) Indoor set-ups will also require access to electric outlets in the room and nearby restrooms.

Ideal locations for indoor blood drives should be large enough to set up:

1. Screening/donor registration area (Tables, chairs, and privacy partitions)

2. Minimum of three donor cots

3. Refreshment area for snacks, juice, and chairs for donors to rest after donating.

If this amount of space is not available, we would be happy to schedule one of our Bloodmobiles!

Visit our Chairperson's Corner for helpful files and forms.

To book a blood drive, please contact our Donor Recruitment Department at (504) 524-1322 or you can email blooddrive@thebloodcenter.org for more information.